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Lyrics of Forest

Walk with me my little child, To the forest of denial, Speak with me my only mind, Walk with me until the time, And make the forest turn to wine, You take the legend for a fall, You saw the product, Why can't you see that you are my child, Why don't you know that you are my mind, Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you, Take this promise to the end of you. Walk with me my little friend, Take this promise to the end, Speak with me my only mind, Walk with me until the end, And make the forest turn to sand, You take the legend for a fall, You saw the product, Why can't you see that you are my child, Why don't you know that you are my mind, Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you, Take this promise to the end of you. Take this promise for a ride, You saw the forest, now come inside, You took the legend for its fall, You saw the product of it all, No televisions in the air, No circumcisions on the chair, You made the weapons for us all, Just look at us now, Why can't you see that you are my child, Why don't you know that you are my mind, Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you, Take this promise to the end of you.

About Lyrics

Lyrics of a song are known to amplify emotions, and sometimes even create a memory. With Wynk, you can now read song lyrics in Hindi and English while listening to songs, throughout genres. Enjoy the true meaning of a song with Forest lyrics online on Wynk, while listening to Forest song online here. There are also options to choose your favorite artist System Of A Down songs on Wynk.

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