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03:41℗ 2016 Blue Note Records

Lyrics of Flipside

I tried to get high, but you wanted me low Good things are happening, but happening slow It's some kind of mystery from long ago I finally know who I'm supposed to be My mind was locked but I found the key Hope it don't all slip away from me Hard times, fun lines Moments pass by and I cry Rewind, step behind It's hard to find the flip-side I can't stand when you tell me to get back If we're all free, then why does it seem we can't just be? You saw your reflection all over the news Your temperature's well past a hundred and two Put the guns away, or we'll all gonna lose Stand by, or take flight Eat or throw your piece pie Walk on, or be mine Moments fly by and I cry I can't stand when you tell me to get back If we're all free, then why does it seem we can't just be? I can't stand when you tell me to get back If we're all free, then why does it seem we can't just be?

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