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Fast Company

Fast Company

Long Road Out Of Eden
04:00℗ 2007 Eagles Recording Company II

Lyrics of Fast Company

Now, where you going? Now, what's the rush? You listen here No, you just hush I know what you think That man don't know anything But I've been around a while I know what's happening Everybody wanna check you out Everybody wanna be your friend And all this pressure Where do I fit in? They don't know nothin' you don't know Ain't got nothing you ain't got But you keep on runnin', you keep on runnin' with the Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Now it's alright To have some fun This is your turn Your life has just begun You're racin' out the door Don't have very much to say Your motor's runnin' hot You can't wait to get away Lookin' up the road ahead You can't see very far Remember where you come from Remember who you are Be careful what you say Be careful who you trust This world is beautiful This world is dangerous Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere... Talk to me and help me try to remember How it feels to be so in doubt Turn to me and help me try to remember That ragin' fire that the years put out Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast Fast company Fast company You're going nowhere, you're going nowhere fast

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