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Wynk Music
Don't Say A Word

Don't Say A Word

Halcyon Nights
04:07UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)

Lyrics of Don't Say A Word

Bite down on your lip, take another sip (don't panic) Start checking your phone, looking for the answers (don't panic) Mind running obsessed, feeling paralyzed (don't panic) When we watch you undress, fall into the night Yeah we change, yeah we change, yeah we feel so lost And we don't know who we are Yeah we break, yeah we break and we just can't stop So we just keep breaking hearts Why you wanna ruin a good thing Can't we take it back to the start When love's not playing out like the movies It doesn't mean it's falling apart Don't panic (yeah) Don't panic (yeah) Been shattered before, everything breaks Can't really be sure, of our mistakes (don't panic) Come under my love, like an umbrella (don't panic) I can make you feel good, yeah better than ever Yeah we change, yeah we change, yeah we feel so lost And we don't know who we are Yeah we break, yeah we break and we just can't stop So we just keep breaking hearts Why you wanna ruin a good thing Can't we take it back to the start When love's not playing out like the movies It doesn't mean it's falling apart Don't panic (yeah) Don't panic (yeah) I got big dreams baby, I got big dreams baby So don't you overcomplicate it I got big dreams baby, I got big dreams baby So don't you, don't you, overcomplicate it Why you wanna ruin a good thing, oh Can't we take it back to the start When love's not playing out like the movies It doesn't mean it's falling apart Don't panic (yeah) Don't panic (yeah) Don't panic Don't panic Don't, don't, don't Don't (don't), don't (don't don't), don't, don't

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