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Cry Me a River

Cry Me a River

Kuschelrock 17

Lyrics of Cry Me a River

You were my sun, you were my earth But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no So you took a chance, made other plans But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down, no You don't have to say, what you did I already know, I found out from him Now there's just no chance With you and me There'll never be Don't it make you sad about it? You told me you love me Why did you leave me all alone Now you tell me you need me When you call me on the phone Girl, I refuse You must have me confused with some other guy The bridges were burned Now it's your turn, to cry Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river You know that they say that somethings are better left unsaid It wasn't like you only talked to him And you know it (Don't act like you don't know it) All of these things people told me Keep messing with my head Should've picked honesty Then you may not have blown it You don't have to say, what you did I already know, I found out from him Now there's just no chance With you and me There'll never be Don't it make you sad about it? You told me you love me Why did you leave me all alone Now you tell me you need me When you call me on the phone Girl, I refuse You must have me confused with some other guy The bridges were burned Now it's your turn, to cry Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (baby, go on and just) Cry me a river Oh! The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving Oh! The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving Oh! The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving Oh! The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving You don't have to say, what you did I already know, I found out from him Now there's just no chance With you and me There'll never be Don't it make you sad about it? Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (baby, go on and just) Cry me a river (you can go on and just) Cry me a river Cry me a river (baby, go on and just) Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (oh, baby, cry) Cry me a river (I don't wanna cry no more) Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (cry me, cry me)

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