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Wynk Music
Country Boy

Country Boy

Pure... Country Stars
04:06Sony Music Entertainment

Lyrics of Country Boy

Excuse me ma'am, I saw you walkin' I turned around, I'm not a stalker Where you going? Maybe I can help you My tank is full, I'd be obliged to take you 'Cause I'm a country boy, I've got a four-wheel drive Climb in my bed, I'll take you for a ride Up city streets, down country roads I can get you where you need to go 'Cause I'm a country boy You sure look good, sittin' in my right seat Buckle up, and I'll take you through the five speeds Wind it up, or I can slow it way down In the woods or right uptown I'm a country boy, I've got a four-wheel drive Climb in my bed, I'll take you for a ride Up city streets, down country roads I can get you where you need to go 'Cause I'm a country boy Big 35's whinin' on the asphalt Grabbin' mud, and slingin' up some red dirt 'Cause I'm a country boy My muffler's loud, dual thrush tubes I crank the music, the tone gets real good Let me know when we're gettin' close You can slide on out, or we can head on down the road 'Cause I'm a country boy, I've got a four-wheel drive Climb in my bed, I'll take you for a ride Up city streets, down country roads I can get you where you want to go 'Cause I'm a country boy Bucket seats, soft as baby's new butt Lockin' hubs, that'll take you through a deep rut 'Cause I'm a country boy, I've got a four-wheel drive Climb in my bed, I'll take you for a ride Up city streets, down winding roads I can get you where you need to go 'Cause I'm a country boy Yeah Yeah I'm a country boy, I've got a four-wheel drive Climb in my bed, I'll take you for a ride Up city streets, down country roads I can get you where you want to go 'Cause I'm a country boy Yeah, I'm a country boy, Oh, I'm just a country boy, A nice little country boy.

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