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Could You Be Mine?

Could You Be Mine?

Could You Be Mine?
03:30℗ 2018 Interscope Records

Lyrics of Could You Be Mine?

Let your hair down, girl Drop your problems at my door I can read those eyes What you really came here for Don't you say, "I would" Leave your worries on the floor We can just stop time We don't move for nothing more We're both afraid to take a chance We both have got the same questions Could you, could you be mine? Could you be mine? Hold me in the dark nights When I'm all alone Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you Could you, could you be mine? With your dark eyes Roaming through the nighttime Right where you belong Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you To break down the walls You've built for someone else If you let them fall We could be different It's probably alcohol That's loosening my lips But I don't care so much At least I'm saying it We're both afraid to take a chance We both have got the same questions Could you, could you be mine? Could you be mine? Hold me in the dark nights When I'm all alone Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you Could you, could you be mine? With your dark eyes Roaming through the nighttime Right where you belong Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you Oh could you be mine? Could you be mine? We're both afraid of broken hearts We're both ashamed of showing scars Could you, could you be mine? Could you be mine? Hold me in the dark nights When I'm all alone Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you Could you, could you be mine? With your dark eyes Roaming through the nighttime Right where you belong Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you (I've been waiting for you) Could you, could you be mine? (could you be mine?) Could you, could you be mine? Hold me in the dark nights (hold me in the dark night) When I'm all alone (could you be mine?) Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you (I've been waiting for you) Could you, could you be mine? Could you, with your dark eyes? Roaming through the nighttime (running through the nighttime) Right where you belong Could you be mine? I've been waiting for you (I've been waiting for you)

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