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Wynk Music
Come to Me

Come to Me

The Greatest Hits
04:33Sony Music Entertainment

Lyrics of Come to Me

This is not the way I wanted things to be I hope someday you'll understand My heart beats stronger when I know, close to you It's helped me to be a better man Why must all of the love come falling Why don't we just take our chance I could walk this road again with you my love, oh, oh Why can't you come to me Don't save your love for some elusive dream Why can't you find your way I will fall for you no matter where it leads This is not the way we started, you and I How was it that I lost my way Two souls can drift apart without a word Were those the words I did not say Why must all of the dreams come falling Why don't we just take this chance I could walk this road again with you my love, oh, oh Why can't you come to me Don't save your love for some elusive dream Why can't you find your way I will fall for you no matter where it leads I could walk this road again with you my love Why can't you come to me Don't save your love for some elusive dream Why can't you find your way I will fall for you no matter where it leads

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