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Sean Kingston
03:38Epic/Beluga Heights

Lyrics of Change

Change, change, change Change, change, change [Chorus] Oh I wish I had the power, the power to change the world But I'm just one man trying to do it on my own Oh I wish I had the power, the power to change the world But I'm just one man trying to do it on my own Can someone help me? (change the world) Can somebody help me? (change the world) Everyday I saw you there chilling on the corner Puffing on crack and Marijuana Because I know how your life is Nobody just be guiding, no Hope to see black people living longer Also less kids without fathers We should all come together Please stop fighting and killing each other It's what happens when your living in the street life It's so dark and you don't get sunlight People seeing why you don't get treated right But I'm a try to change it [Chorus] Many people living off welfare Hoping things get better next year But I'm covered in tears So many sick without health care Too many innocent people dying And I don't know why You gotta keep your eyes open even when your rolling As days go by It's what happens when your living in the street life It's so dark and you don't get sunlight People seeing why you don't get treated right But I'm a try to change it [Chorus] Somebody change the world We've got little boys and little girls Growing up on this sinful earth Oh whats happening? I don't know, but please tell me We've got all these criminals and discretes Killing people for no reason I don't know why [Chorus]

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