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03:01RCA Records Label

Lyrics of Chances

What if I never run into you? What if you never smiled at me? What if I had noticed you, too? And you never showed up where I happened to be What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? On a quiet night, what are the odds? What's a guy like me doing in a place like this? I could have just walked by, who would have thought? What are the chances that we'd end up dancing? Like two in a million, like once in a life That I could have found you, put my arms around you Like two in a million, like once in a life What are the chances? What if I hadn't asked for your name? And time hadn't stopped when you said it to me? Oh Of all of the plans that I could have made Of all of the nights that I couldn't sleep, oh What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? In a crowded room, what are the odds? What's a guy like me doing in a place like this? Getting close to you, but here we are? What are the chances that we'd end up dancing? Like two in a million, like once in a life That I could have found you, put my arms around you Like two in a million, like once in a life What are the chances? Is it love? Is it fate? Who am I? Who's to say? Don't know exactly what it means (ooh, oh, yeah) Is it love? Is it fate? Where it leads, who can say? Maybe you and I were meant to be What, what What are the chances that we'd end up dancing? Two in a million, once in a life That I could have found you, put my arms around you (my arms around you) Two in a million (it's like two in a million) Like once in a life, yeah (whoa) What are the chances? (What are the chances?) Two in a million, once in a life What are the chances? (What are the chances?) Two in a million, once in a life What if I never run into you? And what if you never smiled at me?

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