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Bad Vibe Acoustic

Bad Vibe Acoustic

Bad Vibe Acoustic
03:27Polydor Records

Lyrics of Bad Vibe Acoustic

I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh-eh I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh Me, myself and I don't need you Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah There's something 'bout them looks, deceitful Yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah What goes around comes around, karma I don't fuss, I don't want drama You know me and you know, we know, saga We can go distance, lasting forever, yeah yeah yo Manners don't deserve manners Bad vibes don't deserve badders And she will run out and vanish 'Cause when you step in, gyal, you have finishing moves Now you leave a brother really confused Dem other gyal dem mimicking you It must be the m.O in you 'cause you're holding all this love Spending money quite fast Baby girl, you're quite bad How you do it like that, like that? Go away, go away, go away, go away If you're only gonna bring bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes Ay-ya-ya You can stay, you can stay, you can come over here If you know how to have good time, good time, good time, good time Ay-ya-ya Don't want none of that, no, none of that Don't want none of that, no, none of that, no Don't want none of your bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes Don't want none of that, no, none of that Don't want none of that, no, none of that, no Don't want none of your bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes I want the best for you I want to give you all my love Promise today with you As long as you give me all your love I won't be the kind of guy that could leave you hanging, leave you ah-ha Give you from night to morning I make you happy Positive vibes, I can give Give me chance, my gyal, you will see I know your body believe Said shawty you gotta go receive (Zaga dat) Go away, go away, go away, go away If you're only gonna bring bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes Ay-ya-ya You can stay, you can stay, you can come over here If you know how to have good time, good time, good time, good time Ay-ya-ya Don't want none of that, no, none of that Don't want none of that, no, none of that, no Don't want none of your bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes Don't want none of that, no, none of that Don't want none of that, no, none of that, no Don't want none of your bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh-eh I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh-eh I'm on a wave I'm on a wave (So go ahead, go away) Go away, go away, go away, go away If you're only gonna bring bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes Ay-ya-ya You can stay, you can stay, you can come over here If you know how to have good time, good time, good time, good time Ay-ya-ya Don't want none of that, no, none of that Don't want none of that, no, none of that, no Don't want none of your bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes Don't want none of that, no, none of that Don't want none of that, no, none of that, no Don't want none of your bad vibe, bad vibe, bad vibes (Zaga dat) I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh-eh I'm on a wave I'm on a wave, yeah-eh

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