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Armageddon It

Armageddon It

05:21UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)

Lyrics of Armageddon It

You better come inside when you're ready to But no chance if ya don't want to dance You're like four-letter words when you're ready to But then you won't 'cause you know that you can You got it, but are you gettin' it? You say that love is won when you get some But then your finger won't trigger the gun You know you can't stop it, so don't rock it, you know you got it Hey, but are you gettin' it? Really gettin' it, come get it from me (Gimme all of your lovin') Every little bit (gimme all that you got) Every bit of it (every bit of your lovin') Oh, c'mon live a bit (never want it to stop) Yeah, but are you gettin' it? (armageddon it) Ooh, really gettin' it? (yes, armageddon it) Yeah, doo-doo wop You try comin' on when you need some But then you don't 'cause you already did Yeah, you jangle your jewels while your shakin' ya And drive the pretty boys outta their heads You got it, but are you gettin' it? You flash you bedroom eyes like a jumpin' jack Then play it pretty with a pat on the back You know you can't stop it, so don't rock it You know you got it Hey, but are you gettin' it? Ooh, really gettin' it, oh, come get it from me (Gimme all of your lovin') Every little bit (gimme all that you got) Every bit of it (every bit of your lovin') Oh, c'mon live a bit (never want it to stop) Yeah, but are you gettin' it? (armageddon it) Ooh, really gettin' it? (yes, armageddon it) C'mon, Steve, get it Take it, take it, take it from me I got an itchy finger following me Pull it, pull it, c'mon trigger the gun 'Cause the best is yet to come, I say 'Cause the best is yet to come Are you gettin' it? Really gettin' it? Are you getting it, really getting it? Oh, come get it from me (Gimme all of your lovin') Every little bit (gimme all that you got) Every bit of it (every bit of your lovin') Oh, c'mon live a bit (never want it to stop) (Gimme all of your lovin') Oh, are you getting it? (gimme all that you got) Oh, are you getting it? (every bit of your lovin') Oh, little bit (gimme all that you got) Little bit You got to live it (gimme all of your lovin') Oh, baby, mean it (gimme all that you got) Come on and give it (gimme all of your lovin') Oh, come on and give it (never want it to stop) Oh, are you getting it? (gimme all of your lovin') Ooh, are you getting it? (never want it to stop) Oh, are you getting it (every bit of your lovin')

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