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All Good Things (Come To An End)

All Good Things (Come To An End)

05:11Mosley / Geffen

Lyrics of All Good Things (Come To An End)

Ah, ah, ah Honestly, what will become of me? Don't like reality It's way too clear to me But, really, life is dandy We are what we don't see We miss everything daydreaming Flames to dust Lovers to friends Why do all good things come to an end? Flames to dust Lovers to friends Why do all good things come to an end? Come to an end, come to an... Why do all good things come to an end? Come to an end, come to an... Why do all good things come to an end? Traveling, I only stop at exits Wondering if I'll stay (stay) Young and restless Living this way, I stress less I want to pull away when the dream dies The pain sets in, and I don't cry I only feel gravity, and I wonder why Flames to dust (dust) Lovers to friends (friends) Why do all good things come to an end (end)? Flames to dust (dust) Lovers to friends (friends) Why do all good things come to an end? Come to an end, come to an Why do all good things come to an Come to an end, come to an Why do all good things come to an end? The dogs were whistling a new tune Barking at the new moon Hoping it would come soon so that they could Dogs were whistling a new tune Barking at the new moon Hoping it would come soon so that they could Die, die, die, die Flames to dust (dust) Lovers to friends (friends) Why do all good things come to an end? Flames to dust Lovers to friends Why do all good things come to an end? Come to an end, come to an (end) Why do all good things come to an (end)? Come to an end (end), come to an (end) Why do all good things come to an Well, the dogs were barking at the new moon Whistling a new tune Hoping it would come soon And the sun was wondering if it should Stay away for a day Till the feeling went away And the sky was falling And the clouds were dropping And the rain forgot how to bring salvation The dogs were barking at the new moon Whistling a new tune Hoping it would come soon So that they could die

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