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Shakeel Badayuni

Shakeel Badayuni


About Shakeel Badayuni

Shakeel Badayuni was a renowned Indian poet and lyricist who made an indelible impact on the world of Hindi film music. Born in 1916 in Uttar Pradesh, India, Shakeel Badayuni gained recognition for his poetic prowess at a young age. He started his career in the film industry as a lyricist in the late 1940s and went on to become one of the most celebrated Urdu poets in Bollywood. His lyrical compositions were characterized by their depth, emotion, and rich poetic language. Shakeel Badayuni collaborated with several prominent music directors of his time, including Naushad, Ravi, and S.D. Burman, to create timeless melodies that have stood the test of time. Some of his most memorable works can be found in films like "Mughal-e-Azam" (1960), "Chaudhvin Ka Chand" (1960), and "Ganga Jamuna" (1961). Shakeel Badayuni's lyrical contributions to Hindi film music have left an indelible legacy, and his poetic expressions continue to resonate with audiences even today.

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