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Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar


About Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar, born on April 7, 1920, was an Indian musician and composer widely regarded as one of the greatest sitar players in the world. He was instrumental in popularizing Indian classical music and introducing it to audiences around the globe. Ravi Shankar's career spanned several decades, during which he collaborated with renowned musicians and composers from various genres, including Western classical music and jazz. He became a prominent figure in the 1960s when he played a key role in the spread of Indian classical music during the counterculture movement. His association with artists like George Harrison of The Beatles further contributed to his global recognition. Throughout his career, Ravi Shankar composed numerous ragas (melodic frameworks) and performed extensively in concerts and festivals worldwide. He was known for his virtuosity on the sitar and his ability to mesmerize audiences with his intricate melodies, rhythmic patterns, and improvisations. In addition to his solo performances, Ravi Shankar composed and recorded several albums, including collaborations with other musicians. He also composed music for films, most notably Satyajit Ray's "Pather Panchali" (1955) and Richard Attenborough's "Gandhi" (1982), for which he received critical acclaim.

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