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About JiNN

Meet Pankaj rana aka Jinn, a seasoned rapper from Delhi who has been making waves in the music industry for the past 10 years. As a self-taught musician, he has honed his craft and developed a unique style that blends old school and new school hip hop. With a passion for storytelling, he writes his own lyrics and mixes his own music, creating a sound that is both authentic and fresh Pankaj Rana aka Jinn musical journey began when he started learning classical music. Since then, he has been on a mission to create his own path in the world of hip hop. He is a member of the Khatarnaak Hip Hop Collective, a group of like-minded artists who share his love for the genre. On stage, Pankaj Rana aka Jinn energy is electric, and his flow is unmatched. He has an ability to connect with audiences and take them on a journey through his world, sharing his experiences and insights through his music. With a loyal fan base and the respect of his peers, he is poised to make a big impact on the music industry As a rapper from Delhi, Pankaj draws inspiration from the city's vibrant culture and unique sounds. His music reflects the diversity of Delhi, and he is proud to represent his hometown on the global stage. With his talent, dedication, and hard work, Pankaj is a force to be reckoned with in the world of hip hop, and we can't wait to see what he has in store for us next.

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