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Wynk Music
jay rana

jay rana

jay rana Songs

About jay rana

Jay Rana is a music producer hailing from New Delhi, India. Having grown up appreciating music as the art form it is, Jay began actively producing music in 2014, where he discovered the depth of EDM. He sought to go beyond its popular stereotype and explore the roots of the genre. However, despite the new avenues and achievements, Jay yearned to define his individual expression of music. Through the vision of Jay Rana, his interests and expressions of music are more mellow, melodic and slow. His aim is to create music carrying a calm and relaxing vibe, something people can listen to throughout the day. Music, he believes, is meant to be a mood booster rather than an interference and so, his new approach is to make music that connects to the listener and their emotions. Music has no language but is rather an emotion in itself, and Jay seeks to imitate this in his ventures.

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