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Wynk Music
Gupz Sehra

Gupz Sehra

Gupz Sehra Songs

About Gupz Sehra

Gupz Sehra is an Indian singer, songwriter, and music producer known for his work in the Punjabi music industry. He started his career as a music producer and gained popularity for his unique music style and catchy tunes. Gupz Sehra has collaborated with various renowned artists and has produced and composed numerous hit Punjabi songs. Some of his popular tracks include "Jimmy Choo Choo," "Label Black," and "Jatt Di Queen." He has also released his own singles as a singer and has showcased his versatility by experimenting with different genres. Gupz Sehra continues to be a prominent figure in the Punjabi music scene, known for his energetic performances and melodious compositions.

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