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Wynk Music
ashish ali

ashish ali


About ashish ali

Born in a beautiful small town surrounded by the Himalayas, Ashish Ali grew up close to the serene sounds of nature which clearly contributed in laying his musical foundation. Despite growing up in an academically rich household he was always encouraged to follow his passion. He identified music as his true calling in his teens and there was no looking back. He is a multi-faceted musician today with expertise in playback, commercials, video games, film scoring etc as a singer, composer, arranger and a music producer. This composer strongly believes that learning never stops, so in his free time he is always seen upgrading his composing skills in his studio, or excercising his vocal chords with the tanpura or harmonium. And for any creative blocks, cycling and running are his go-to cure. Apart from collaborating with several artists across the globe, this musician also has some incedible singles like Choodiyan, Zawinul, Mahua, Albela Sajan, Oh Sahibaa, Kesariya Rap, Chalo Mumbai to name a few. His varied musical abilities help him create a wide variety of tracks from Mantras to Fusion, classic to modern, his music is for everyone!

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