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Wynk Music
Arjuna Harjai

Arjuna Harjai


About Arjuna Harjai

Arjuna, an award-winning music director with a comprehensive portfolio spanning films and advertisements, has made a significant impact in the music industry. Originating from India and now based in the UK, he is making notable strides in the independent music scene. His tracks O Soniye and Choti Choti Gal have won global acclaim, demonstrating his ability to seamlessly blend genres. Honoured with the Abby Gold, Abby Bronze, and MAMI awards for Best Music Director, Arjuna continues to impress. His latest song, Winter Ayun Waliye from his Instagram series The One Minute Composer, has gone viral, bringing further recognition to his distinctive style. With a career distinguished by an extensive range of projects in both films and major advertisements, Arjuna aims to expand his cultural horizons and leave a significant mark on the independent music scene.

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