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About Aneesh

Aneesh is an emerging artist who has made a name for himself in the trap music scene. With a passion for music and an ear for innovation, Aneesh has quickly become known for his unique sound and dynamic flow and melody. Born and raised in Navi Mumbai, Aneesh started experimenting with different sounds and styles. He honed his skills over time and developed a distinct style that combines elements of trap, hip-hop, R&B, Pop. He is also coming up with his new E.P #polaroid With a keen sense of melody and a love for pushing boundaries, Aneesh has become a sought-after artist, known for his innovative music techniques and boundary-pushing lyrics. He is constantly experimenting with new sounds and pushing the limits of what is possible in the world of music. Aneesh is dedicated to his craft and is always striving to improve and evolve his sound. He is a true creative, who is always pushing the envelope and taking his music to the next level. With his unique style, undeniable talent, and undeniable energy, Aneesh is a rapper to watch in the years to come.

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