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Wynk Music
Sparsh jain

Sparsh jain


About Sparsh jain

Sparsh Jain is an Indian singer-songwriter from Delhi, who discovered the enchantment of music at a tender age of 11 when he first strummed a guitar. As he nurtured his musical talents, Sparsh's curiosity led him to the art of writing and composing, unveiling a boundless realm of expression that would later find its harmony with his soulful voice. At 16, he penned his first compositions, igniting a passion that would shape his musical identity. Sparsh's songs embody the beauty of simplicity, resonating with the very essence of emotions through unpretentious lyrics and heartfelt melodies. Drawing inspiration from luminaries like John Mayer and Amit Trivedi, he pays homage to their brilliance while carving a unique path of his own. With every note, Sparsh weaves tales of love, life, and self-discovery, forging an intimate connection with his listeners .

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