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kishan d'souza

kishan d'souza


About kishan d'souza

Kishan D'Souza is a versatile playback singer and multilingual artist who has made a name for himself in the Kannada and Telugu music industry. He has a unique ability to bring soulful emotions into his music, which has helped him connect with audiences around the world. Kishan D'Souza began his music career singing cover songs and working on various album projects. He quickly developed a reputation for his smooth and melodic voice, and his dedication to his craft. As a result, he was soon sought out by music directors and producers in the Kannada and Telugu film industry. Kishan D'Souza has sung for several movies in both Kannada and Telugu languages, and his contributions have added depth and emotion to the film's soundtracks. Some of his most famous songs to date is "Fullu Ligthu," “Singara Siriye Cover”, “Male Maleye Cover”, Ba Baro Robert”, “Chicken Curry”, “Yaana”, Chirunavulla “,Neenadena Cover”, “Poovanti Andham”, “Rocket Mama”, “Aigiri Nandini” etccc which has been widely acclaimed for its haunting melody and evocative lyrics. In addition to his work in the film industry, Kishan D'Souza has also released several cover songs and albums that have been well-received by audiences. His music reflects a deep understanding of the human condition and an ability to touch the hearts of listeners with his soulful voice. With his talent and dedication to his craft, Kishan D'Souza is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after playback singers in the Kannada and Telugu music industry. His passion for music and his commitment to creating meaningful and evocative music will undoubtedly lead to more success in the future.

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