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Daler Mehndi

Daler Mehndi

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Daler Mehndi Songs

About Daler Mehndi

"Daler Singh, known by his stage name ""Daler Mehndi"", is an Indian singer, songwriter, author, record producer, performer and environmentalist. He is credited with making Bhangra popular worldwide, and helping to set up a parallel non-film Indian pop music industry to the pre-Daler era’s then existent Bollywood music. He is best known for his energetic dance songs, his distinctive voice, turban and long flowing robes. Song recording for the 2012 Bollywood film Chaalis Chauraasi. Magnasound signed Daler Mehndi for a three-album contract for three years. Bolo Ta Ra Ra, Mehndi's debut album, sold over 20 million copies. A year later, his second album under Magnasound, Dardi Rab Rab, was launched. This album surpassed the sales of Bolo Ta Ra Ra. He was nominated in three categories at Channel V Music awards and won the Channel V Best Indian Male Artist Award. In 1997 he released his third album Balle Balle. This album got him Channel V Awards in six categories. Mehndi composed the popular track ""Na Na Na Re"" for the Bollywood film Mrityudata where he featured on the big screen with Amitabh Bachchan."

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