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Ravinder Grewal

Ravinder Grewal


About Ravinder Grewal

Ravinder Grewal is an Indian Punjabi singer, actor, and television presenter known for his contributions to the Punjabi entertainment industry. He began his career as a singer in the early 2000s and gained popularity with his unique style and energetic performances. Ravinder Grewal's initial success came with the release of his album "Aaja Gidhe Vich" in 2002, which featured hit tracks like "Akhiyan" and "Rang Rara Riri Rara." He went on to release several successful albums, including "Gidha Pao" (2004), "Aaveen Baba Nanaka" (2006), "Mera Desh Hove Punjab" (2012), and many more. His songs often celebrate Punjabi culture and traditions, and he is known for his powerful vocals and energetic stage presence. In addition to his singing career, Ravinder Grewal has also ventured into acting. He made his acting debut in the Punjabi film "Raula Pai Gaya" (2012) and has since appeared in several other films, including "Judge Singh LLB" (2015), "Rakhwan Kota" (2017), and "Dangar Doctor Jelly" (2017). He has received praise for his performances and has established himself as a versatile actor in the Punjabi film industry. Ravinder Grewal has also hosted television shows, including the popular music reality show "Voice of Punjab," where he showcased his talent as a presenter. His contributions to the Punjabi entertainment industry have earned him a significant fan following and recognition as a multi-talented artist.

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