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Manmohan Waris

Manmohan Waris

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About Manmohan Waris

Manmohan Waris (born 3 August 1967) is an Indian Punjabi folk/pop singer. Manmohan Waris was born in Halluwal, District Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. He is the elder brother of Sangtar (a renowned Punjabi record producer, musician and poet) and Kamal Heer (a renowned Punjabi folk/pop singer). Waris is considered one of the best in Punjabi music and is known as The King Of Bhangra. He started to learn music at a very young age from Ustaad Jaswant Bhanwra.He started his formal music training at the age of 11. Everything he learned from his music teachers, he taught his younger brothers (Sangtar and Kamal Heer). So all three brothers got seriously involved in music at a very early age. He got his music degree from Punjab University. Soon, his family moved to Canada in 1990 where in 1993 he released his debut album, Gaairan Naal Penghan Jhotdiye. It became a colossal hit and Waris became a huge star with more huge hit albums after his debut. These included Sohniya De Laare, Hasdi De Phul Kirde, Sajjre Challe Muklave and Gali Gali Vich Hokay. In 1998 Manmohan Waris released the song Kite Kalli Beh Ke Sochi which is considered one of the biggest hits in the history of Punjabi music.

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